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Weather Seals & Draught Excluders For Windows & Doors

Weather Seals & Draught Excluders For Windows & Doors


Originally sash windows never had any weather seals as the design of the window offered basic draught control that was satisfactory for the times. Indeed some draught was desirable to ensure a good draw for solid fuel fireplaces.  With the advent of modern heating and cooling systems, weather stripping has become an essential part of any modern window.

Retrofitting draught excluder strips to sash windows has been happening for decades, using a variety of different products.

WEATHER PILE with Fin (Brush seal) & uPVC carrier

WeatherFin Brush Type draught seals.At Sash Window Specialist we have been installing this system for over 20 years. It is an excellent system and simply the best choice for draught sealing old sash windows.  Our seals are of the highest quality and Made In England.

  • Low friction allows the sash to glide
  • Practically invisible once installed
  • Weather pile is recommended for use in UK Grade I and II listed buildings

uPVC Parting Bead


Fin plastic parting bead.There are several plastic parting beads available and some incorporate a quality weatherpile. The biggest disadvantage of these plastic beads is that they can not be painted. Even when used in a white window the plastic ages differently than surrounding paintwork, detracting from the overall aesthetics. At Sash Window Specialist we only use traditional timber parting beads.

Q-LON / Bubble Foam Seal

Q Lon Window Seals

Made by Schlegel, one of the worlds leading brands. Q Lon Aquamac seals are excellent when used in compression applications such as casement windows and doors.  Impervious to paint and stain as well as great energy-saving performance. 

When properly fitted into new sliding sash windows these foam seals can last reasonably well.  But if used for restoration work imperfections in the paintwork often lead to tearing of the surface coating.  Bubble and or blade profiles.

  • Better ‘Air Tightness’ rating than Pile weatherseals, improving acoustic insulation.

  • Increased friction results in a harder to operate the window.

Rubber Gasket Seals

Rubber Gasket Sash Seals.The old fashioned rubber gasket seal has been superseded by brush or foam seals that offer much lower friction and improved appearance.

Spring Bronze

 SPRING BRONZE weather strip.A traditional weatherstripping for the DIY market and used on windows and doors. It is a strip of bronze that is stapled or nailed down one side, whilst the other side springs out, pushing against the sash.


Weather Seals & Draught Excluders For Windows & Doors 1A plastic spring seal used along the edge of the sash to prevent sideways rattle. Used primarily in new joinery rather than restoration work.


Draught Excluder Documentation

Period Window Restoration