'Spotters Guide' to Rolled Glass Patterns & Textures

Old Window Glass ID Guide Figured & Textured Window Glass
This page is a quick reference guide to the patterns only.
The full article looks at the history and development of Figured Rolled Glass and the patterns in great detail.
- This separate article looks at the history and development of textured glass in America.
- This separate article looks at the history and development of ornamental flat glass.
- This separate article looks at the history and development of clear window glazing.
Table of Contents
Cathedral Glass Designs
Chance Brothers Glass Designs
including Glasgow Plate Glass Designs
Glasgow Plate Glass Designs
Pilkington Brothers Glass Designs
1938 Pilkington Glass: Trade catalogue
Pilkington / Chance mid 50s
1950s – 1960s Pilkington Samples
Circa 1970: Textured Glass Samples
Some of these designs were sold by Pilkington, Glaverbel & Saint-Gobain.
MAX Daylight Glass Designs
Saint-Gobain Glass Designs
American Saint-Gobain Corporation – Pre 1964
2013 – “Saint-Gobain Glass has launched SGG DECORGLASS, a range of clear patterned glass. Providing an alternative to what is currently available on the market, this exclusive range offers six new designs creatively named WATERDROP, ENTRELAZADO, PIXARENA, LISTRAL M, MARIS and THELA.”
2017 Saint-Gobain
St Gobain Verre Filigree
Glaverbel Glass Designs
European Designs Registered as US Patents
Australian Glass: Old Obscured Glass Patterns
” Cut from the first sheet of figured rolled glass manufactured in Australia 28th April , 1931 ”
FIGURED ROLLED GLASS. Patterns; KOSCIUSKO (similar to Arctic). SMALL KOSCIUSKO (similar to Small Arctic). WAVERLEY (similar to Flemish). SMALL WAVERLEY (similar to Small Flemish). COOGEE (similar to G). ARROWHEAD (similar to Morocco). PYRAMID (similar to Glistre). SMALL PYRAMID (similar to Small Glistre). SPOTS WOOD (similar to Stippolyte). GLACIER (similar to Dewdrop). EUSTON (similar to No. 2 Hammered Cathedral). SMALL EUSTON (similar to No. 1 Hammered Cathedral). DAPPLED CATHEDRAL. DOUBLE ROLLED CATHEDRAL. MODERNS FLUTED PINHEAD MOROCCO. DOUBLE ROLLED ROUGH CAST, ROUGH CAST, MILL ROLLED. WASHBOARD. WIRED GLASS.WIRED ROUGH CAST, WIRED MILL ROLLED. WIRED “KOSCIUSKO.”
USA Glass: Old American Privacy Glass Patterns
The USA section of this article moved to its own dedicated page…
Textured Window Glass: USA Rolled Glass Pattern Guide [1890-2020]
USA Old Glass Patterns
Victorian and Edwardian Decorative Glass Samples
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Reference Books & Sites
British Glass, 1800-1914 – Charles R. Hajdamach
Windows: History, Repair and Conservation – Michael Tutton
Twentieth-Century Building Materials: History and Conservation