Leamington Sash Window Replacement
Leamington sash windows fitted by Sash Window Specialist Midlands. We supply & install a wide range of traditional bespoke windows and doors including these wooden mock sash windows. Half sash and half casement windows that look like a traditional sliding sash window. The bottom sash slides vertically on a pair of spiral balance’s but the top sash opens outwards on friction hinges.
Double glazed and draught sealed for an energy efficient & comfy home. A range of glass including acid etched patterns as seen here in the bottom sash. Suitable for brickwork that is not built to accommodate a true box sash window.
Architecture and Timber Windows in Leamington-Spa, Warwickshire
During the 18th century, when spa towns were becoming fashionable Leamington developed several bath houses. Queen Victoria agreed to the town’s application to become known as Royal Leamington Spa after her visits in the 1830’s. Regency architecture as well as varied Victorian & Georgian sash windows are common in the town & local areas.
The Midlands Branch of Sash Window Specialist undertake work across East Midlands & West Midlands including Leamington, Birmingham, Leicester, Solihull, Hinkley, Tamworth, Burton-on-Trent & Coalville.
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